Weighed in today at 211.4 lbs! I've lost about 26 lbs sinc July. It's been really tough and portion
control remains a hugehallenge.
I'm training at a local gym who shall remain nameless because when I told a few workers there what I was training for they got excited at the idea of the gym jumping on board and helping in possible sponsorship. When I contact Andrea in marketing she shot me down cold. Saying it isn't in their budget. Really? Because one thing I suggested is totally free, by including my info in your emails to your members or even allowing me to put up some literature of what I am doing. Btw all free. Ok it's la fitness. They are the closest gymto me and it would've been great if they could've helped out. Anyways this isn't a bash lafitness blog. That's the next blog :)
So my training is going ok. I'm traing a couple times a week with a personal trainer at lafitness to help strengthen my weak back. And im back following Hal higdons novice marathon traing schedule. I'm slightly behind but was able to get to13 miles on the treadmill yesterday.
I've got my girlfriends publicist who is trying together me some publicity and my girlfriends agent trying to help me get the marathons made into a documentary. There are some great possibilities if some of this stuff could happen. I have to be careful not to get my hopes up too high.
Today I have cross training to do. And I get a rest day tomorrow. Instill hoping to get my weight down to around 200 by January. I've got 9 weeks from today. 9 weeks til the first marathon in Arizona.
I'm still looking for all the help I can get,soif you or someone you know can help get thewordoutplease let me know. Thanks!!
And please donate! Any amount is a huge help.
Best toyou.